Sunday, July 10, 2011

7/10 - Happy birthday to me!

It was my birthday yesterday.  Aside from a minor freakout when I realized I'd thought I was my new age all throughout last year (early senility?), it was a nice family celebration.  I wanted to go to a local roller derby bout, but I still have the wretched cold, and Mama has it full throttle.  So...  we kept it low key.  Lil' Gal and I folded the laundry/wore it on our heads.
Lil' Guy's toys kept a careful watch.

The kids picked out celebratory balloons for me, and insisted I be given roses.
No, it wasn't the kids that decorated the cake, but Mama sure did her best.  The "ugly cake" tasted great.
Best, of all, per my request, the cr*p from our side yard is finally going out.  This includes the ratty desk that came with the house and has been sitting outside getting rained on for 2 years.  Bye!!


  1. Your kids are gorgeous... No better birthday present than a loving family around you(Oh and the cake looks scrumptious :-)

  2. Thank you! I agree -- the best birthday present ever is my family. And the cake tasted just fine!
