Friday, May 4, 2012

5/04 - Ninjago wants to go up, up, and away

He tried to sneak on for a hot air balloon ride, but it was only a picture on the side of a truck.
Congratulations to Lil' Guy on his award today for being friendly and cooperative!!  I am so proud of you!  Has Lil' Gal's wiggly tooth come out yet?
Apparently, it’s my one-year twitterversary today!  (Who knew?)  I was going to treat myself to a cupcake, but then things got very busy.  So Ninjago and I raided the snack drawer.  Isn’t he a good helper?

1 comment:

  1. Lil' Guy says, "Thanks for saying that."

    Lil' Gal says, "No, my tooth hasn't come out yet."
