Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12/02 - Caiman staples the TPS reports

Caiman and I went to check my mail at work.  No mail for Mommy.  :(

Then, he made friends with my fish stapler.  Aren't they cute?

Look what we saw at lunch today!  A big, shiny propeller!
(It's a decoration in front of a building.  It doesn't spin.)

Caiman says:  IT'S TIME TO GO HOME!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The kids were in rare non-sequitous form today:

    "Poo poo poo!" says Lil' Guy.
    "I love you!" says Lil'Gal. She also says, "Banana!"

    About the new gym, Guy says, "It's a good trip."

    Gal says, "Jockey," and Guy adds, "Bee. A bumblebee."
