Thursday, December 1, 2011

12/01 - Trainee sings "Blow the Man Down"

I know, I’m mixing transportation with pirate songs, but if you consider train robbers as land pirates, it kinda works.  Or I need more sleep.  It was so windy today, I thought my hair was on backwards when I got to work! Things were blown over all around.  Here, a parking sign and a newspaper box were on their sides.
At lunch, Trainee found a Mexican doggie... And David!
Trainee heard Rachel say "Achoo!" and thought she was talking to him.  Poor Rachel is getting a cold and is all bundled up – inside at work!  Let’s send her get-well thoughts.
1.  How the heck is it December already?
2.  There are still way too many leaves at the BART station.  It looks like my front yard, minus the caution tape.  And steps. And BART-branded trash bags.

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